Okay, since the game was boring, I spent my time creating (and collecting here) hyper Catholic tweets about Super Bowl ads …
The best commercial was Tebow’s “No Contract” T-Mobile ad.
Hey, Tebow … your baptism gives you a contract with the Catholic Church. We'll sign you. http://t.co/e6ztVP2I5V pic.twitter.com/XkeUwiPED6
— Tom Hoopes (@TomHoopes) February 3, 2014
There was Stephen Colbert’s Wonderful Pistachio commercial …
Poll shows Catholics love pistachios (Colbert, youngest of 11, teaches CCD to son John Paul). http://t.co/iHL2aLrkOg pic.twitter.com/YHUkhoiRGS
— Tom Hoopes (@TomHoopes) February 3, 2014
Axe’s commercial’s theme was “Make Love, Not War.”
Hey Axe, Pope Francis says Fraternity, not romance, is the Foundation of Peace. http://t.co/m29cka73Vs #superbowlads pic.twitter.com/Pwa687jcwR
— Tom Hoopes (@TomHoopes) February 3, 2014
Audi presented the half-Doberman half Chihuahua “Doberhuahua.”
Hey Audi: Doberhuahua; very funny. Check out the German Shepherd-lupe: http://t.co/2jbc7ntqmd #superbowlads pic.twitter.com/xH9M9KBzEH
— Tom Hoopes (@TomHoopes) February 3, 2014
Cheerios showed a father announcing a new child to his daughter, who insisted on a puppy.
Cheerios, no need for a puppy. JPII said “The greatest gift you can give a child is another sibling.” #SuperBowlAds pic.twitter.com/m1MCunHpxK
— Tom Hoopes (@TomHoopes) February 3, 2014
Hyundai’s ad showed “Dad’s Sixth Sense” saving the day.
Great shout-out to Fatherhood, Hyundai! #suprrbowlad pic.twitter.com/X2wrRZGQof
— Tom Hoopes (@TomHoopes) February 3, 2014
TurboTax suggested in its ad that Feb. 2 is not a holiday …
Hey, TurboTax … it is a holiday: The Presentation. #hypercatholic #superbowlads. pic.twitter.com/3LVIhscl2s
— Tom Hoopes (@TomHoopes) February 3, 2014
Butterfinger’s commercial showed a marriage counselor interviewing a troubled candy couple …
Butterfinger: If Peanut Butter and Chocolate used NFP, they might communicate better. http://t.co/gkwZsVJp8T pic.twitter.com/pUCa16iyl1
— Tom Hoopes (@TomHoopes) February 3, 2014
Jaguar’s commercial wondered out loud why American movies make British men the bad guys.
No, Jaguar. British are the bad guys because Henry fired the Pope and George taxed America’s tea. #superbowlads pic.twitter.com/nFc53v5vvr
— Tom Hoopes (@TomHoopes) February 3, 2014
GoDaddy’s commercial imagined body-builders rushing to a spray-tan business based on a web ad.
GoDaddy musclemen: CCC 2289 rejects the“cult of the body” http://t.co/TM1klbR7Kq It “idolizes physical perfection.” pic.twitter.com/C7VCkJ1cMa
— Tom Hoopes (@TomHoopes) February 3, 2014