DEM CONVENTION // Today is the first day of the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia. And it’s off to a rough start: Debbie Wasserman Schultz has been ousted as chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee following the publication late last week of leaked emails which seemed to show a plot by DNC officials to damage Bernie Sanders during the Democratic primary.
DEM CONVENTION // Green Party candidate Jill Stein: Bernie Sanders should leave the Party that betrayed him.
DEM CONVENTION // Hillary Clinton chose Virginia Senator Tim Kaine as her running mate. The mainstream media called him a “Pope Francis Catholic,” but that’s a total lie. Kaine has a 100% pro-abortion record, and his selection was cheered by abortion activists at Planned Parenthood and NARAL.
2016 // John Zmirak: “Mr. Kaine repeats the yellowed talking points of Teddy Kennedy, Mario Cuomo, Joseph Biden and Nancy Pelosi, insisting that he is “personally opposed” to abortion, but sees no role for the government in restricting it.”
CATHOLIC // This 95-year-old Catholic couple died in each other’s arms.
CATHOLIC // The Archbishop of Munich and Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI grieve Friday’s deadly shooting in Munich.
ON THIS DAY // 1847 – Mormons settle Salt Lake Valley.
SAINT OF THE DAY // Saint James –
DAILY READINGS // Today’s readings –
WHOA // Musical composer for “The Passion” reveals he suffered Satanic attacks.