CV NEWS FEED // LOOPer Rachael G. told CatholicVote that hearing about CatholicVote’s “Hide the Pride” initiative in the LOOP last year inspired her and several other families to visit their local library in a Chicago suburb, where they unsurprisingly found LGBTQ book displays.
The families proceeded to “Hide the Pride” by checking out 10 bags full of LGBTQ books from the children and teen section of the library.
But the effort didn’t stop there, because the families then put in a request to have their own display in the library window. “Annoyed, they responded that we just need to sign up and submit our proposal,” Rachael G told CatholicVote. “Nine months later, look who is in the front display window of our (woke) public library – The Blessed Mother!”
The window display was assembled during Holy Week, 2023, and will run for the entirety of April. It features various Marian books, images, statues, rosaries, and other information about our Heavenly Mother.
“Many friends in surrounding communities said they could never get their local library to do it,” Rachael G. said, but: “Of course we can, just ask the Blessed Mother to come take care of her children! Look what one article did nine months ago!”
CatholicVote Communications Director Josh Mercer explained that “Hide the Pride is our opportunity as tax-payers and as parents to ensure our own money is being spent in accordance with the values of our families.”
“We have the right to safe spaces for our children and grandchildren to learn and thrive,” Mercer added. “However, these often unelected library boards and librarians are spending our money in an attempt to indoctrinate our children.”
CatholicVote had a successful “Hide the Pride” effort in 2022, releasing an online resource for parents and mobilizing moms and dads across the country to take a stand for protecting the innocence of children.
“Hide the Pride” is a parent-led movement for Catholics to reclaim their libraries during “Pride Month,” when these tax-payer funded spaces are overrun by sexually explicit LGBTQ books, images, and symbols geared towards children.
CatholicVote’s “Hide the Pride” initiative returns this June, and this year we’re working to ensure it’s even bigger and better than before, with more resources for you!