This is it.
In just a few hours, we enter the most sacred three days of the year: the Holy Triduum.
Beginning at tonight’s Mass of the Lord’s Supper, we walk with Jesus to Gethsemane, we climb Calvary, and we keep vigil at the sealed tomb.
In his final years, Pope St. John Paul II wrote: “In the Easter Triduum, we will fix our gaze more intensely on the face of Christ, a face of suffering and agony, that helps us understand better the drama of the events and situations that are afflicting humanity even in these days.”
How true.
Here at CatholicVote, our work indeed focuses on the events affecting our nation and our Church today. Everything we do to protect religious freedom, defend the sanctity of human life, elect good and just representatives, and evangelize America… everything finds its purpose in these three days.
And what is that purpose?
To make Christ known and loved.
To make certain that our children and their children’s children are free to live the truth that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, took our sins upon himself and conquered death to set us free.
Words fail me here. I can only ask you for one thing in the face of the suffering Christ:
Pray for us. Pray for CatholicVote’s mission. Pray for our CatholicVote family.
I’m praying that through our solemn remembrance of the Passion of Christ, we will decrease so that he may increase and accomplish his will in us and in the work we do.
Won’t you join me in that prayer?
I’m counting on it. I’m counting on Him.
On behalf of all of us at CV, I wish you and your loved ones a blessed Triduum and a happy and holy Easter.
P.S. I’ll leave you with one more quotation from our beloved St. John Paul II… a foretaste of our Easter joy!
On Easter Day, as every corner of the earth rings out the song, “the Lord of life was dead, now alive he triumphs,” … we will be able to understand and love the Cross of Christ forever.
For on the Cross Christ overcame sin and death forever!