CV NEWS FEED // The president of Heartbeat International explained at the organization’s annual conference this month that a crucial way to save lives from abortion is through increasing the speed and accessibility of pro-life telehealth care.
The abortion industry has undergone a paradigm shift in its business model, by delivering chemical abortion pills to women via mail and over the counter, explained Heartbeat International President Jor-El Godsey at the conference on April 25.
“Today, barely 2% of our movement is engaged in telecare and telehealth,” Godsey said, according to Heartbeat International’s Pregnancy Help News. “This is simply not enough to battle the giant that is Big Abortion. We cannot let the abortion industry be the only one who can help her in that moment when she’s looking.”
Brick-and-mortar crisis pregnancy centers are still extremely important for the pro-life mission, Godsey noted, but the speed of such care is limited.
At a crisis pregnancy center, “it takes us around two days to get [the pregnant woman] from there to where we are with our compassionate people and our ultrasound equipment,” Godsey said. “But with chemical abortion so readily available, that is no longer working as well as it has been.”
The solution, Godsey said, is making online pro-life outreach a top priority.
“We need to increase our speed of service, which is really our speed to care. And greater speed to care will mean greater speed to success,” Godsey said.
Pregnant women who search for abortion information online often do so outside of pregnancy centers’ weekday hours.
Because of this, Godsey stressed that the pro-life movement must “aggressively add virtual ministry outreach through telecare and telehealth.”
The best way to accomplish this virtual outreach, Godsey explained, “is for each of our organizations to envision a new team of virtual missionaries.”
Response teams operating an abortion reversal pill hotline and counseling for pregnant women in crisis are indispensable in this mission, but Heartbeat International has also developed a new resource called “PHC In Your Pocket.”
“We’re excited to announce the PHC in Your Pocket upgrade that allows pregnancy help to happen anywhere you are so that you can reach her anywhere she is,” Godsey said. “Imagine that moment of decision before her, where we can reach into her situation with loving compassion and begin that caring relationship with her right at that moment.”
He continued:
You can add to your brick-and-mortar the ability for every team member, every advocate, every coach, every nurse to create that relationship the moment she connects with you and continue that relationship wherever they are. And all of the information you need is with you wherever you are. Our Next Level 2024 has a fresh look and new features that can be a part of making this new paradigm a reality for your lifesaving mission.
Pro-life organizations should also prioritize hiring remote workers because they will be crucial in utilizing this new technology, Godsey noted.
“We’ll need new team members to join us for this type of specialized outreach,” he said. “Even just adding a few hours each week through virtual outreach will be a major step toward adapting to the new abortion landscape.”
“(Working remotely) makes them flexible to be in the new non-business-hours outreach,” Godsey said. “That is going to be critical to meet the challenge that Big Abortion has set before us.”
Heartbeat International has continued to raise awareness about the dangers of chemical abortions and to promote resources for abortion pill reversal.
Heartbeat International works with the Abortion Pill Rescue Network to help women seeking help reversing their chemical abortion before it is too late. Abortion pill reversal protocol has successfully saved the lives of over 5,000 children.
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