Our Lord said “Let the little children come to me” and there’s a beautiful sign of hope to be seen in hearing young voices and tiny pattering in the pews. Children belong in our churches, but we all know it’s not always folded hands and angelic singing.
We asked our LOOPers to send us their best funny moments starring their kids at Mass and the results do not disappoint. Check back for future updates on this delightful, entertaining series!
Shared by Mary K.
After Mass on Ash Wednesday, four-year-old Daniel began diligently cleaning the furniture, without being asked. When I remarked on how well he was working, he answered, “Canon O’Connor told me, ‘Remember to dust!’”
Shared by Kerry M.
I really desired to attend daily Mass at least once a week, but as we added kids to our family it got more and more challenging to get them up, dressed, and out of the house. One day, soon after the birth of my fourth child (I had 4 under 5 at this point), I was determined to get to Mass. I chose to attend a neighboring parish because it started later. Unfortunately I arrived late anyway with all my kiddos in tow and a fussing baby at the Gospel. As we took seats near the front in the small chapel, because of course, I remember taking a huge breath thinking, “Ok, we made it.” Just seconds later, my four-year-old Isaiah vomited violently all over the chairs and floor in front of us. I had a baby in my arms and an 18 month-old in my other hand. I couldn’t even begin to fathom how to clean it up or what to do, so I ran. I basically shepherded my kids out and once I cleaned up my son the best I could, I just packed them into the van and left. I still feel badly about leaving such a smelly mess for the daily mass-goers to attend to. Needless to say, I didn’t return to that parish for a LONG time afterwards.
Shared by Mary H.
When my son was about 4 years-old, in a rather loud whisper I heard him say, “Hmm? You mix water and wine and get blood. I’m going to try that at home!” At least he was paying attention!
Shared by Sharon R.
My 4 year-old granddaughter came with me to Holy Thursday Mass. When the altar server used the clacker at the consecration instead of the bells, she said (kind of loudly) “Where’s the bells? Can’t they find the bells? Did they lose them?”
Shared by Vanessa H.
I went to give the Sign of Peace to my seven year-old. Instead of shaking my hand, he placed his bloody tooth he had just pulled into my palm!
Shared by Felice B.
At Holy Cross parish in South Bend, IN, two days ago after the “Thanks be to God” at the end of daily Mass, the 18 month-old girl said clearly and cheerfully, “All done!” The mom holding her son who was born on Easter and the rest of us chuckled warmly, which encouraged her to repeat the phrase.
Shared by Amy G.
There’s the time at the beginning of Mass when I was holding [my] 2 1/2 year-old and she said “Mama! Boogie!” She was holding up my chapel veil. She has successfully picked her nose with my chapel veil. I wore the contents of her nose for the rest of Mass.
Shared by Joyce C.
My daughter was around 3 years-old. We had not been going to Mass regularly, so I was unfamiliar with the Masses near me. I ended up taking her to a Slovak (not said in English) Mass which was attended by mostly older Slovakian women. It was a Christmas Mass. There was a creche. I was telling my daughter that she needed to be quiet as Baby Jesus was sleeping. She kept repeating “Shh, Baby Jesus is sleeping.” Then right in the middle of Mass, she yells, “WAKE UP BABY JESUS!” I wanted to crawl under the pew! Everyone was laughing, I wasn’t.
Shared by Jamie S.
When our youngest had finally graduated from the back row cry section and could actually see the altar, she asked me, “Mommy, what is that man eating?” I replied, “That is the Body of Christ.”
She gasped and said, “Don’t tell God!”