Here’s a chance to catch up on the latest political news before you head to the beach.
The Irish Parliament Passes Abortion Bill – In a lopsided 127-31 vote, the Irish Parliament approved a law allowing for abortion if a mother might be in danger of suicide. Dr. Gerard Nadal notes that the Parliament went forward with the bill, despite large public opposition to the bill in Ireland. “What is stunning is the fact that 60% of the Irish people didn’t want this law, which is certain to become the first in a series leading to unrestricted abortion on demand. Equally certain will be the rise in reported cases of suicidal ideation among pregnant women on the Emerald Isle,” said Nadal. Our Lady of Knock, pray for us!
Pro-lifers Placed on Wanted Posters – The above photo is further proof that the “pro-choice” side is much more prone to violence. Hat tip to Jill Stanek and Kristan Hawkins for bringing attention to this. These people are considered “criminals” because they don’t think children should be dismembered by “doctors.” Crazy times. But let’s not forget that the fourth person from the left is Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst, who actually received a death threat from a leftist this week. Anyway, go watch as the Texas Senate takes up debate on the pro-life bill TODAY at 2 p.m. CT. Click here for a livestream of the debate.
2016 Watch: Christie Wins Key Endorsement – Chris Christie is sailing to an almost sure reelection as Governor this November. But he’s not only running up the score, he’s trying to expand his coalition using school vouchers to win support from the black community. And it paid off this week when Christie won the support of black ministers, including “Bishop Reginald Jackson, one of New Jersey’s most influential black ministers,” according to the Star-Ledger. Jackson said that Christie’s Democratic opponent Barbara Buono “does not recognize the basic unfairness of making low-income parents wait without a choice for their children.” Vouchers look like a great opportunity for Republicans to win over black and Hispanic voters.
Familiar with the term BRO-CHOICE? – It’s a lame term coined by man-child Ben Sherman, who wants late-term abortion to maintain his ability to have lots of sex. Yeah, talk about an embarrassment to the Y chromosome. Anyway, Students for Life of America has made the above meme as a rejoinder. Check out the other ones they made here.
GOP Governor Will Sign Pro-life Bill After All – Even though North Carolina is a socially conservative state, Gov. Pat McCrory is the first Republican governor since 1993. When the North Carolina Legislature passed a pro-life bill this month, he had initially said he would veto the bill, because he had promised in 2012 not to change the state’s abortion laws. I can’t understand why he made such a pledge before the election; it’s not like he was running for Governor in New York. Nonetheless, he changed course today and said he would sign the pro-life bill after all. Here’s more info on the bill in question.
And now, some levity. Jon Stewart might call this your moment of zen — which is actually appropriate since the interviewer in this video confronts people with quotes against homosexuality and asks them if the words are from the Dalai Lama or the Pope. This video was done before the election of Pope Francis, but it’s timeless really.