CV NEWS FEED// Fr. Mike Schmitz’ video “The Bible in Ten Minutes” has reached over 600,000 views in just two days.
The video, similar in style to a Pixar theatrical short, features beautiful animations and a sweeping orchestral score, distilling the story of salvation history in under 10 minutes. Fr. Mike narrates the story.
The video is part of Ascension Press’s “The Bible in a Year & More: Fr. Mike and Jeff Cavins” Youtube channel. The Bible in a Year podcast videos are usually audio with text. This is the first animated video on the channel.
Fr. Mike is a beloved Catholic priest and speaker who is featured in many Ascension Press videos. He is the chaplain of the Newman Center at University of Minnesota Duluth, which he calls his primary ministry.
He is also the host of two highly successful Youtube series: “The Bible in a Year” and “The Catechism in a Year.”
In his biography on the Duluth Newman Center website, Father Mike says his favorite part of being a priest is “everything connected to the sacraments,” adding, “I love offering the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. I love preaching. I love hearing confessions. There is nothing that I know of that can compare with getting to be a part of someone’s Great Story, the story that God is calling His children to live.”
After the success of the video, Ascension Press released another video, asking for the support of viewers in order to produce more animated videos in the future.
Readers can view the full video below: