CV NEWS FEED // Gallup’s new Values and Beliefs poll reports a seven-point drop in Americans’ support of same-sex relationships.
According to Gallup, only 64% of Americans believe same-sex relationships are morally acceptable, compared to 71% in 2022. The figure has dropped from its record high in 2022 to now being the same as the 2019 number.
From a partisan standpoint, Gallup reported that the number of Republicans affirming same-sex relationships as moral has decreased from 56% in 2022 to now 41% in 2023. This is the lowest number since 2014, when only 39% of Republicans supported same-sex relationships.
Support among Democrats has also dropped to 79% from 2022’s 85% figure. Independents, however, slightly increased their support from 72% to 73%.
The Values and Beliefs poll also surveyed Americans on a number of other issues related to sexuality and morality. Support for divorce, pornography, premarital sex, and birth control all decreased slightly from 2022 and support for abortion remained the same at 52%.
This follows two other recent Gallup surveys showcasing Americans’ views on “gender” and sexual ethics.
One poll found that 71% of Americans are in favor of legalized same-sex “marriage,” maintaining the same number as 2022. Support was lower among Republicans at 49%, and only 41% among weekly churchgoers.
Another 2023 report by Gallup showed that 55% of Americans believe it is morally wrong to change one’s “gender.” This is an increase from 51% in 2021. The majority of Republicans (84%) agreed that “gender transition” was morally wrong, compared to only 29% of Democrats.