I’ve never really understood the Protestant criticism of Catholics venerating relics of saints. We remember the life of St. John Paul, we’re not worshiping his clothing? Do we think he’s a God because we keep some memento of his to remember him?
And let’s be honest, secular society also recognizes the importance of honoring the achievement of gifted people. If it’s illicit for Catholics to venerate a saint’s garment, surely there’s something wrong with admiring the cleats worn by a member of the Baseball Hall of Fame, right? Do Protestant consider this idolatry?
The fact is, we humans love keepsakes. We have photos of our families in our wallet or iPhone. We keep that special locket we got from our grandmother. This is all natural and good.
And so when Neil Armstrong landed on the surface of the Moon, it was altogether fitting and proper for him to have brought a small portion from the left propeller of the plane that the Wright Brothers flew at Kitty Hawk.