Today, Sept. 3, GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump released a video commemorating the impending canonization of Mother Teresa of Calcutta/Kolkata
You can call it kind or cynical or pandering or nice or whatever you like, but it’s definitely very unusual. When I first heard of it in an email from a friend earlier today, I assumed Trump said something negative or that it was a joke. I was wrong.
Sorry, Donald.
Here’s what he did say:
This weekend, Mother Teresa is being canonized by Pope Francis, receiving sainthood for her amazing life of charity and holiness. Mother Teresa gave food to the hungry, shelter to the homeless, education to the needy. She represented the best in each of us. I’m truly happy to see Catholics across the world join together and celebrate Mother Teresa’s uniquely humble, generous and pious life. There was nobody like her.
And here’s the video:
Images: YouTube screenshot
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