Where does CatholicVote.org stand on Education policy?
Parents are the primary educators. The U.S. has always prioritized universal education through public schooling, which — in theory — puts children on a level playing field regardless of their socio-economic status. Not all schools are equal, however, and parents should have greater choice in where they send their children. Increasing competition between school districts and schools will increase overall quality. In terms of educational policy, parents and teachers should drive standards at the local level. We oppose Common Core Educational Reforms, which we see as a dangerous case of federal overreach.
What does the Catholic Church teach about this?
“As those first responsible for the education of their children, parents have the right to choose a school for them which corresponds to their own convictions. This right is fundamental. As far as possible parents have the duty of choosing schools that will best help them in their task as Christian educators. Public authorities have the duty of guaranteeing this parental right and of ensuring the concrete conditions for its exercise.” (CCC 2229)
What Educational issues should pro-life, pro-family Americans prioritize?
- Keep Catholic schools Catholic: Religious liberty built the American education system, and it is still crucial today for parents who want their children educated in the faith.
- Protect homeschooling rights: Moms and dads should be allowed to educate their kids in the home if they deem it is best for their family. Protecting this right is crucial for American liberty.
- School of choice: Parents should be able to choose where they send their kids, a policy that creates healthy competition between districts and between schools. A great school could be a kid’s best chance out of poverty.
- Restrain teacher’s unions: Education policy should focus on what is best for children, not the powerful political lobby.
Fight Common Core: Parents, teachers, and local communities make the most informed decisions about educational standards, and what is best for their kids.