ADDRESS TO THE NATION // President Trump plans to unveil a ‘bold agenda’ in congressional address. He told governors at a White House meeting that he’s crafting his own Obamacare replacement plan.
IMMIGRATION // Who thought this was a good idea? Democrats are bringing illegal immigrants to Trump’s address to a joint session of Congress.
HEALTH CARE // GOP conservatives oppose the draft Obamacare replacement that was leaked on Friday. Sen. Rand Paul, R-KY, called it ‘Obamacare lite.’ Rep. Mark Walker, chairman of the 172-member Republican Study Committee, said it had “serious problems.”
CABINET // Wilbur Ross approved by the Senate as Secretary of Commerce.
TRUMP’S FAVORITE DEM? // Joe Manchin is one of the most vulnerable Democrats up for reelection next year. After all, Trump won West Virginia 69% to 27%. But Senator Manchin has long been considered a very savvy politician, and his latest move shows why. The West Virginia Democrat welcomed populist conservative website Breitbart News to his Capitol Hill office for an hour long ‘get to know you’ session.
NATIONALISM // The Washington Examiner’s editorial explores ‘economic nationalism’: “The phrase is as ungraspable by itself as a bar of wet soap. In its most promising construction, it captures something important and right. But it [is] fraught with pitfalls and perils that need to be avoided.”
TUESDAY TRIVIA // What famous American speech is commemorated by having a Senator deliver the speech on the Senate floor — an annual Senate tradition going back to the 19th century?
LGBT // A majority (56%) of Americans think bathroom access should be granted according to biological sex, a new poll by Crux/Marist College found.
SPORTS // There’s always someone getting offended. Some people started hounding Rory McIlroy for golfing with President Trump. The four-time major winner defended himself: “This wasn’t an endorsement nor a political statement of any kind. It was, quite simply, a round of golf.”
ABORTION // Teen Vogue recently ran a story on supposedly “great ideas” for a friend who just had an abortion. A pro-life teen responds to Teen Vogue.
CATHOLIC // U.S. Bishops denounce anti-Semitic attacks and pledge solidarity with the Jewish community. More than 50 bomb threats targeting the Jewish community have also been reported across the country since the beginning of the year.
TRIVIA ANSWER // The speech delivered every year is Washington’s Farewell Address. It started in 1862 — during the turmoil of the Civil War — when the citizens of Philadelphia petitioned the Senate to recall the life of George Washington. The tradition continued on yesterday when the speech was delivered by Senator Ben Sasse of Nebraska.
SAINT // Blessed Daniel Brottier –
DAILY MASS // “To the upright I will show the saving power of God.” (Ps 32:11) –
NEAT // The first woman to earn a doctorate in computer science was a nun.