OBAMACARE // President-elect Donald Trump said Republicans need to vote to repeal Obamacare in the first week he takes office. “We have to get to business. Obamacare has been a catastrophic event.” Trump’s remarks push back against moderate Republican Senators who were interested in delaying Obamacare repeal. http://cvote.it/2jBQPZ2
TRANSITION 2017 // Democrats promised fireworks at the first hearing to consider the nomination of Sen. Jeff Sessions as Attorney General. But their planned attacks just fizzled, writes Byron York. http://cvote.it/2jBPhy4
ASSISTED SUICIDE // Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, is attempting to block the assisted suicide law passed by the City Council of Washington, DC. http://cvote.it/2jBCQlX
FAREWELL // President Barack Obama delivered his farewell address in Chicago. In case you want a recap of the speech: http://cvote.it/2jBRklS
CATHOLIC // This Dominican sister is celebrating her 110th birthday! Deo gratias! http://cvote.it/2iDKqbE
CATHOLIC // Wow. Abortionist quits after St. Thomas Aquinas visits him in a dream. http://cvote.it/2jBEjZk
WORD OF THE DAY // Gerrymander – A negative term for reorganizing voting districts by the party in power to insure more votes for their candidates. The term was coined after Gov. Elbridge Gerry of Massachusetts after he signed a bill with a odd-shaped district that looked like a salamander that a newspaper editor renamed a “gerrymander.”
SAINT // Blessed William Carter – http://cvote.it/dailysaint
DAILY READINGS // Today’s readings – http://cvote.it/Daily-Readings