2016 // Donald Trump’s campaign denied allegations by the Washington Post that it misused $250,000 in Trump Foundation funding to pay legal fees of his business interests. http://cvote.it/2cQdAlW
2016 // A Phoenix bishop’s plea to voters and politicians: no votes for abortion. Bishop Olmstead said: “If a politician is actively supporting and furthering the culture of death, he is not only causing scandal; he is sinning.” http://cvote.it/2d3hCe1
2016 // Forecaster Nate Silver: Trump surges from 3% to 48% chance of winning. http://cvote.it/2cQaXki
2016 // Everything you need to know about Trump and Clinton’s first presidential debate. http://cvote.it/2cQf2oG
CORRUPTION // A computer specialist who deleted Clinton emails appears to be the same person who posted in an online forum on Reddit looking for tips: “I need to strip out a VIP’s (VERY VIP) email address from a bunch of archived email.” This was posted on Reddit exactly one day after the House Select Committee on Benghazi had reached an agreement with the State Department on the production of records. http://cvote.it/2cQg2ce
CULTURE // Comedian Andy Richter is “eternally grateful” to Planned Parenthood for aborting his baby. http://cvote.it/2cQeL4M
CATHOLIC // On the same day dissenting theologians presented a statement at the United Nations in New York intended to change Catholic Church teaching on contraception, more than 500 Catholic intellectuals released their own statement affirming the Church’s teaching at The Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C. http://cvote.it/2cQfIdH
ON THIS DAY // 1780 – Benedict Arnold commits treason. http://cvote.it/1P91D6p
SAINT // Saint Matthew – http://cvote.it/DailySaint
DAILY READINGS // Today’s readings – http://cvote.it/Daily-Readings