SUPREME COURT // Bipartisan negotiations involving as many as 10 senators hoping to avoid a floor blowup over the Senate rules and Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch have collapsed. Senate Republicans are poised to hold a simple majority vote today to end the ability to endlessly filibuster Supreme Court nominees.
HEALTH CARE // Vice President Mike Pence insists “it’s going to get done” on Obamacare repeal. But it’s unlikely that the House will vote on a bill before their two-week break for Easter.
ECONOMY // The president of the New York Stock Exchange said that Trump’s presidency has “unquestionably” caused the stock market to soar.
FINANCIAL REGULATION // President Donald Trump’s push to reform Wall Street regulations is being held up by his inability to fill open seats at the two main agencies charged with overseeing the financial industry.
BIG GOVT // From occupational licensing to ride-sharing regulations, here are 23 ways Big Government is hurting the poor.
THROWBACK THURSDAY // 1896 – The Olympic Games, a long-lost tradition of ancient Greece, are reborn in Athens 1,500 years after being banned by Roman Emperor Theodosius I.
EUTHANASIA // A bill to legalize physician assisted suicide in Hawaii has been put on hold — for now.
CATHOLIC // Cardinal Robert Sarah discusses the sublimity of silence.
CATHOLIC // Chemical attack in Syria ‘shocks the soul,’ says top US bishop.
SAINT // Saint Crescentia Hoess –
DAILY MASS // “The Lord remembers his covenant for ever.” (Ps 105:8) –
BEAUTY // St. Joseph’s Oratory in Detroit is beautiful. Click here for even more photos: