ELECTION DAY 2016 // This race is too close to call. A shift in any state could change the outcome. But the media is working overtime to convince everyone that the race is already over. Don’t let them get away with it. http://cvote.it/2ftTgbb
OBAMACARE // House Speaker Paul Ryan says Republicans’ chances of repealing Obamacare end with electing Hillary Clinton. http://cvote.it/2fNbuYU
2016 // Control of the Senate goes down to the wire. Here’s a race-by-race look. http://cvote.it/2fu190g
2016 // Donald Trump made a final pitch for Catholic support on the eve of the election. VIDEO: http://cvote.it/2fu2ow9
RELIGIOUS LIBERTY // Even non-Catholics should care about attacks on the Catholic Church, because one threat to religious liberty affects us all. http://cvote.it/2ftOmLg
CATHOLIC // Dutch cardinal says papal encyclical on gender theory might be needed to correct errors which are ‘spreading everywhere in the Western world.’ http://cvote.it/2fMQhhP
ON THIS DAY // 1972 – Nixon carries 49 states (not Massachusetts) in his re-election as president. http://cvote.it/2ftu2cH
ELECTION NOVENA // Join in on this Novena that Catholics are praying together every day until the Election. http://cvote.it/2fbflLq
SAINT // Blessed John Duns Scotus – http:/cvote.it/DailySaint
DAILY READINGS // Today’s readings – http://cvote.it/Daily-Readings
PRAYER // Join us in praying for our elections with this prayer by Cardinal Burke. http://cvote.it/2fNyWoS