2016 // New poll shows Donald Trump surging in Pennsylvania. http://cvote.it/2fexcRv
2016 // The FBI’s White Collar Crime Division is investigating a possible pay for play interaction between then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation. FBI sources believe Clinton Foundation case moving towards “likely an indictment.” http://cvote.it/2fxyZou
RELIGIOUS LIBERTY // President Obama’s plan to veto the defense spending legislation constitutes a “deeply disturbing” attack on religious liberty, says Sen. Orrin Hatch. http://cvote.it/2feyGeB
RELIGIOUS LIBERTY // Catholic doctors and nurses are under increasing threats to living their faith at their workplace, Archbishop Gomez said at a White Mass for Catholic health professionals. http://cvote.it/2fezbW4
ASSISTED SUICIDE // Killing the pain not the patient: Palliative care vs assisted suicide. http://cvote.it/2feAzrA
CATHOLIC // Why the ‘Catholic Spring’ mentality worries black Christian leaders. http://cvote.it/2feD1OO
ON THIS DAY // 1969 – Nixon calls on the “silent majority” to support his policies. http://cvote.it/2feyr34
ELECTION NOVENA // Join in on this Novena that Catholics are praying together every day until the Election. http://cvote.it/2fbflLq
SAINT // Saint Martin de Porres – http:/cvote.it/DailySaint
DAILY READINGS // Today’s readings – http://cvote.it/Daily-Readings
HUMOR // A video of two priests jamming to songs by Taylor Swift and Justin Timberlake in a car while their boss jokes in the back seat is a big hit with Catholic teens. http://cvote.it/2fewnbn