2016 // Video shows Hillary Clinton collapsing after leaving 9/11 ceremony early. Her campaign first called it “overheating” then acknowledged it was pneumonia. Even the Washington Post now has done a flip-flop saying: “Hillary Clinton’s health just became a real issue in the presidential campaign.” http://cvote.it/2cFItca
2016 // The gaffe was largely overshadowed by her health issue, but Hillary Clinton claimed that “half” of Donald Trump’s supporters are “deplorables,” meaning people who are racist, sexist, homophobic or xenophobic. She later apologized. http://cvote.it/2cwN18u
HILLARY’S VP // Democratic vice presidential candidate Tim Kaine, who claims to be a Catholic, said he thinks the Church will eventually drop its opposition to same-sex “marriage.” He made the remarks in a speech to a powerful LGBT group’s dinner event. http://cvote.it/2ciV8Cf
2016 // In eulogizing Phyllis Schlafly, Donald Trump sees a spiritual ally. “She never wavered, never apologized and never backed down in taking on the kingmakers.” http://cvote.it/2cwG47w
HILLARY’S VP // In Honduras, Tim Kaine met not Jesus, but Karl Marx. http://cvote.it/2cwFMgO
RELIGIOUS LIBERTY // Massachusetts says that “secular events” held by churches (like a spaghetti dinner) may be covered by laws banning discrimination against transgender persons. http://cvote.it/2cwID9o
CATHOLIC // The heart of Padre Pio is coming to Boston. Yes, really. http://cvote.it/2cwHO0p
ON THIS DAY // 1993 – New floating bridge opens in Seattle; I-90 stretches from coast to coast. http://cvote.it/2ciRXug
SAINT // The Saint of the day – http://cvote.it/Daily-Saint
DAILY READINGS // Today’s readings – http://cvote.it/Daily-Readings
REMEMBRANCE // The brutal, powerful 9/11 stories of Catholic priests. http://cvote.it/2cwIL93