TRANSITION 2017 // Trump tweets that he’ll announce his pick for Secretary of State this morning. Sources say it’ll be ExxonMobil CEO Rex Tillerson. http://cvote.it/2hxXB0R
GOP // Donald Trump to pick Michigan GOP chairman Ronna Romney McDaniel to head the Republican National Committee. McDaniel is Mitt Romney’s niece. http://cvote.it/2hxZ1IO
THE CV BLOG // Fake News? What about Blind News? http://cvote.it/2guzDOU
DEFUNDING PP // The liberal Washington Post profiles the upcoming fight to defund Planned Parenthood, the abortion giant who receives $500 million in taxpayer funding. http://cvote.it/2guDA6n
RELIGIOUS LIBERTY // For faith-based institutions, Trump represents a reprieve. Obama’s sustained assault on religious liberty is finally over. http://cvote.it/2hy1va5
CATHOLIC // Bishop Javier Echevarría Rodríguez, the Prelate of Opus Dei, died at the age of 84 in Rome, several days after being hospitalized with pneumonia. http://cvote.it/2hxX4vK
CATHOLIC // For as many as 50 years, Seattle’s St. James Cathedral hid a secret. Carefully tucked away in the basement out of sight was a painting of Mary, the Infant Jesus, and six saints. http://cvote.it/2hxZEBS
ON THIS DAY // 2000 – Al Gore concedes presidential race. http://cvote.it/2gucGvn
SAINT // Saint Lucy – http:/cvote.it/DailySaint
DAILY READINGS // Today’s readings – http://cvote.it/Daily-Readings
WOW // ‘I cried all the way home’: Boy who asked for last wish dies in Santa’s arms. http://cvote.it/2guuGpb