WIKILEAKS // Hacked emails detail foreign government donations to Clinton Foundation — including a potential $1 million gift from the country of Qatar.
WIKILEAKS // New leaked emails revealed that President Obama knew about and communicated with Hillary Clinton’s private email account.
2016 // A North Carolina Republican Party office in Orange County was firebombed over the weekend. The office suffered major damage when it was firebombed. Thankfully, no one was injured during the attack.
2016 // If Donald Trump wants to win the White House, he needs to perform better with college-educated suburban women. One area that demonstrates this challenge for him is Chester County, Pennsylvania.
POLITICS // Why Planned Parenthood’s 100-year anniversary is no occasion to celebrate.
CULTURE OF DEATH // An independent film company buys rights to Brittany Maynard’s assisted suicide story, with the goal of making a film about her suicide. Executive producer Dan Diaz vows to make assisted suicide legal in all 50 states.
CATHOLIC // Archbishop Charles J. Chaput did not enjoy his first and only encounter with two leaders of Catholics United. “Both men were obvious flacks for the Obama campaign and the Democratic Party – creatures of a political machine, not men of the Church; less concerned with Catholic teaching than with its influence,” said Chaput.
ON THIS DAY // 1973 – OPEC states declare oil embargo.
SAINT // Saint Ignatius of Antioch – http:/
DAILY READINGS // Today’s readings –
BEAUTIFUL // Parish in historic Detroit church to offer Latin mass.