ELECTORAL COLLEGE // Members of the Electoral College will meet in state capitals around the country to place their votes for president and vice president of the United States. A handful of electors (perhaps 5?) will cast protest ballots but it won’t change the final results. Donald Trump and Mike Pence will be elected president and vice president. http://cvote.it/2h0MnjR
TRANSITION 2017 // CatholicVote’s Brian Burch talks about President-elect Donald Trump’s Cabinet selections on EWTN. 3 min video: http://cvote.it/2h0FE9H
RELIGIOUS LIBERTY // After strong bipartisan support in Congress, President Obama signed the Frank R. Wolf International Religious Freedom Act, which further strengthens the United States’ effort to combat persecution of religious minorities around the world as part of the country’s foreign policy. The upgraded legislation includes provisions aimed at strengthening key positions within the federal government to make religious freedom a top priority. http://cvote.it/2h0ydzi
TRANSITION 2017 // Trump selected Rep. Mick Mulvaney, R-SC, a fiscal conservative, to be director of the Office of Management and Budget. Ironically, Mulvaney was first elected in 2010 when he defeated House Budget Chairman John Spratt. http://cvote.it/2h0y2UG
INFRASTRUCTURE // How Donald Trump can build the best airports and roads. http://cvote.it/2h0CzGN
LAME DUCK TERM // In the final weeks of his term, North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory, a Republican, signed a bill significantly curtailing the powers of his successor, Democrat Roy Cooper. http://cvote.it/2h0ubHc
SOCIETY // Americans often bemoan the diminished condition of our political discourse without recognizing the role that a general decline in literacy is playing in that diminishment. If you want fewer stupid politicians and voters, promote good reading. http://cvote.it/2h0GWBo
CATHOLIC // The Catholic Church desperately needs artists. http://cvote.it/2aDExYo
ON THIS DAY // 1998 – Bill Clinton is impeached by the House of Representatives. http://cvote.it/2h0ERFC
SAINT // Saint Nemesius – http://cvote.it/2h0CKlh
DAILY READINGS // Today’s readings – http://cvote.it/Daily-Readings
VIRAL // A secular website does a light-hearted — and respectful — interview of a Catholicism with a proud Catholic mother of five. http://cvote.it/2hXKqlS