2016 // CatholicVote demands Clinton’s anti-Catholic spokeswoman Jennifer Palmieri resign over emails which disparage Catholics. http://cvote.it/2edGelb
2016 // Catholic News Agency examines the leaked emails from Clinton campaign staffers which they say prove anti-Catholicism is “always en vogue.” http://cvote.it/2edH2qd
SENATE 2016 // Planned Parenthood’s SuperPAC launches a massive ad blitz against pro-life Catholic Joe Heck in Nevada’s Senate race because he voted to defund the abortion giant 8 times. http://cvote.it/2edHuo8
ACTION >> Watch CatholicVote’s new ad in the Nevada Senate race. If you like the ad, help us replace retiring pro-abortion Senator Harry Reid with pro-life Catholic Joe Heck. http://cvote.it/2edIQPZ
ABORTION // The 10 worst Examples of the Media’s Pro-Abortion Bias in Favor of Planned Parenthood http://cvote.it/2edRo9w
CULTURE // “What is the public evil of our time? What single ‘good’ will cost you the most, through public ridicule or persecution, if you reject it and act accordingly?” This week’s must-read is “Holier Than Them” by Anthony Esolen. http://cvote.it/2edQ2vj
CATHOLIC // Oh boy. The pope’s representative to the United States will join the bishops of the Tucson and Nogales, Sonora for Mass at the Mexican-American border Oct. 23. http://cvote.it/2edQwSb
ON THIS DAY // 1960 – Nikita Khrushchev throws a tantrum at the United Nations. http://cvote.it/2edRFZV
SAINT // Saint Edward – http:/cvote.it/DailySaint
DAILY READINGS // Today’s readings – http://cvote.it/Daily-Readings