Many issues are at stake in this election, and the Colorado race is crucial to get our country back on track. This flyer outlines where the candidates stand on issues that relate to Church teaching.
After reviewing their positions, we believe that Cory Gardner is the right choice for U.S. Senate.
Mark Udall has consistently fought for a culture of death in Colorado. He has opposed protecting the religious freedom of Catholics and he supports the taxpayer funding of abortion.
In addition to showing where the candidates stand on issues like abortion, which is an intrinsic evil that must always be opposed, we have also included other important topics for consideration. The Church provides frameworks for issues like healthcare and education, but Catholics are free to disagree on the specifics of how best to approach these issues.
Click here for a PDF of our side-by-side comparison flyer so you can made an informed decision at the ballot box on November 4th!
Cory Gardner is pro-life. In the U.S. House of Representatives, he has a consistent pro-life voting record. He voted to protect unborn children after 20 weeks who feel pain and opposes taxpayer funding of abortion. Source: U.S. Congress Votes Database, Washington Post
Mark Udall has voted against the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act in the Senate. He even doubled down on his support for sex-selective and partial-birth abortions. Source: Townhall Magazine Online and the Library of Congress
Cory Gardner believes that the definition of marriage is a union between one man and one woman. Source: Fox 31 Denver
Mark Udall supports the redefinition of marriage. “I whole-heartedly support marriage equality for gay and lesbian Americans…” Source: Mark Udall for Senate campaign website
Cory Gardner supports religious liberty. Regarding the Supreme Court’s hobby lobby decision, he said, “The court made the right decision today to protect religious liberty and the First Amendment.” Source: Gardner for Senate campaign website
Mark Udall defends the HHS Mandate, which forces people of faith to violate their conscience. He introduced a bill to reverse the Supreme Court Hobby Lobby decision. Source: Udall for Senate campaign website
Cory Garner opposes Obamacare in favor of patient-centered and market-based solutions. Source: U.S. Congress Votes Database, Washington Post
Mark Udall supports Obamacare and its expansion in Colorado. Source: Udall for Senate campaign website
Cory Gardner believes parents and local communities should pick the right education for their children. Source: Gardner for Senate campaign website
Mark Udall voted against school choice for low-income families. Source: Congressional Vote Database