Stephen Colbert is featured in a video welcoming Pope Francis to the United States for Catholic Charities.
I will embed it when I can, but right now I can only find it at Aleteia.
Here is his brief message to Pope Francis:
“Hi, Your Holiness Pope Francis. I’m Stephen Colbert, CBS. Welcome to the United States. I hope you have a good time and I also want to thank you for saying that you want a Catholic Church that is for the poor and about the poor. ‘For I was hungry and you gave me food. I was thirsty and you gave me drink. I was a stranger and you welcomed me.’ Welcome!”
A few things to notice here:
1. The reference is to Matthew’s account of Jesus describing the Last Judgement where we will be judged on charity. Nice.
2. Ahem … Stephen Colbert, a media professional, apparently doesn’t know you should turn an iPhone sideways to take a video.
3. The “Your Holiness” is a nice touch.
The comedian who now heads The Late Show at CBS after David Letterman’s retirement has a history of referencing his Catholic faith — in sometimes controversial ways. He grew up the youngest of 11 children in a Catholic family — and you can imagine that he did this first to impress his older siblings after Mass.