Little known fact: Catholic schools in America were originally founded as a result of animosity towards Catholics. Parents in the 19th century didn’t want their kids in the growing public-funded anti-Catholic school system any more than the parents of today do.
But now, many parents report that it can be difficult to find a Catholic school that has resisted the rampant secularization and woke ideologies we see in public schools. Even outside of school, our kids are constantly being bombarded by voices in politics, health care, and on social media platforms that want neither Catholic morality nor American founding principles to survive.
Now, more than ever, this world needs children:
- who embrace the truths of our Church,
- who understand that God created man and woman,
- who believe in the sanctity of life,
- who see the human dignity of each of God’s children, and
- who believe in objective Truth.
So, during this Catholic Schools Week, EDIFY celebrates the work done by faithful Catholic schools, educators, and parents who are fighting to restore education in America. Together they make up a powerful force for evangelization and renewal.
It’s so important that Catholic schools offer a dynamic alternative to secular culture. We can no longer stand by and hope someone else will find a solution.
Children are the future of the Church. This is a conversation Catholics need to be having right now.
How? Watch this video featuring Thomas W. Carroll, the Superintendent of Catholic Schools for the Archdiocese of Boston, who shares his story and gives six practical steps Catholic schools can take today to strengthen their Catholic identity.
Worried about what children are learning in public schools and want to know how you can take action? Watch this video featuring Theresa Farnan, an educator and mother of ten, as she lays out what we can do to protect our children and exercise the rights we have as their primary educators.
And what about our students going into or already in higher education institutions? Listen to this conversation with Jennifer Nolan, the president and co-founder of Catholic Polytechnic University, as she shares her vision for a new university and the future of Catholic higher education.
These videos and podcasts are proof that there is hope – a small but growing cohort of Catholic schools are making bold changes. And they’re thriving.
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton and St. Jean-Baptist de La Salle, pray for us!
Want MORE?
Listen to these episodes of The EDIFY Podcast where we go deeper into how we can all work to forge a path of renewal and evangelization within our schools.
Theresa Farnan on Is Public Education Redeemable?
Thomas W. Carroll on How to Reinvigorate Public Education
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