Promotional Film Image / Scythia Films (Right)
In a recent episode, the LOOPCast team talked about how The Apprentice, a new movie highlighting Donald Trump’s rise to power is causing controversy after its premiere at the Cannes Film Festival.
Though the movie has not been released to the public yet, supporters of Donald Trump believe this film is a targeted attempt to change voters’ minds ahead of elections in November. In May 22nd’s LOOPCast Tom, Erika, and Josh discussed what a strategic release date could mean.
In a press conference following the premiere at the Cannes Film Festival, director Ali Abbasi hopes for the release to follow the second presidential debate in September.
“Has that ever happened before where you would hide a movie until election year [then] let it rip?”
Tom Pogasic
Also noted in the episode are the aspects of Trump’s life that have proven false, yet were still included in the film to complete Trump’s portrayal as a monster. Trump’s team is pursuing legal action against the film team because of these libelous aspects.
As Josh Mercer notes, the discussion surrounding the film brings up interesting questions about free speech in film, and what is considered to be a campaign expenditure.
“These filmmakers, I think have every right to put it out there,” Mercer said after reminding listeners of a similar situation that occurred during Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.