A Democrat running for Governor in Virginia compared the election of Donald Trump to the attacks on Sept. 11.
He said: “The election of Donald Trump is a little bit like a political and constitutional September 11 for us, to be honest.”
As you can imagine, it created quite the backlash.
And thankfully, he quickly apologized:
I regret the comparison and apologize. Won’t do it again. https://t.co/5KEDysdKTX
— Tom Perriello (@tomperriello) February 15, 2017
Wait… did you catch that name? Tom Perriello…
Tom Perriello and Alexis Kelley (who campaigned for pro-abortion “Catholic” John Kerry) co-founded Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good.
Well, actually, they didn’t start the group all on their own, now did they?
After all, the Wikileaks documents revealed their relationship with John Podesta, who at the time was leading a left-wing group called the Center for American Progress. (Podesta would later become head of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.)
In an email to John Podesta, liberal activist Sandy Newman wrote about how the Catholic bishops were fighting back against the HHS contraceptive mandate:
“This whole controversy with the bishops opposing contraceptive coverage even though 98% of Catholic women (and their conjugal partners) have used contraception has me thinking . . . There needs to be a Catholic Spring, in which Catholics themselves demand the end of a middle ages dictatorship and the beginning of a little democracy and respect for gender equality in the Catholic church. Is contraceptive coverage an issue around which that could happen. The Bishops will undoubtedly continue the fight. Does the Catholic Hospital Association support of the Administration’s new policy, together with “the 98%” create an opportunity?”
And John Podesta’s response was very revealing:
“We created Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good to organize for a moment like this. But I think it lacks the leadership to do so now. Likewise Catholics United. Like most Spring movements, I think this one will have to be bottom up. I’ll discuss with Tara. Kathleen Kennedy Townsend is the other person to consult.”
You noticed how John Podesta said “we created,” right? Telling, isn’t it?
But that email was during the fight over the HHS mandate, which erupted in 2011. And Perriello wasn’t at Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good anymore. He had left to run for Congress in 2008. Sadly he won.
While in Congress, Perriello voted:
- for a DC funding bill that included public funding of abortion.
- against defunding abortion giant Planned Parenthood.
- in favor of establishing Obamacare, which subsidized health care plans that cover abortion on demand and paved the way for the notorious HHS mandate.
Thankfully Robert Hurt, endorsed by CatholicVote.org, defeated Tom Perriello in 2010. After he was defeated, guess where Perriello ended up? Why, he went to work at the organization founded by John Podesta. He became Policy Director of Center for America Progress as also served as CEO of its political action arm.
With Perriello no longer at a Catholic-branded outfit, that’s when John Podesta deployed a Kennedy.
New: 48 hours after Podesta says “talk to Kathleen Townsend”, Townsend is on CSPAN defending HHS mandate against “republican” bishops pic.twitter.com/CYvK5raFFG
— Thomas Peters (@AmericanPapist) October 12, 2016
Tom Perriello is now asking for Catholics in Virginia to make him their next Governor. But with Tom Perriello, you have to wonder — is it really John Podesta who’s pulling the strings?