Meet Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio of Brooklyn, NY.
In his regular column for the Brooklyn Diocese newspaper, The Tablet, Bishop DiMarzio doesn’t mince any words or pull any punches. He offers a clear and convincing exposition of the current administration’s attack on the Church and on the culture.
And in a statement directed straight at Obama supporters, well he just lays it right out there:
In my view, those who voted for President Obama bear the responsibility for a step deeper in the culture of death.
Yup, sounds about right.
See the entire article by Bishop DiMarzio here. I’ll let a few more of his statements speak for themselves:
The forces of death press on from every side in contemporary American culture. It is clear there is an assault on the people of faith in our country. For instance, there are the current health insurance reforms that were imposed on our Nation obligating Catholic institutions to provide employees with medical procedures and services we believe to be in defiance of the will of God.
We know that today an Administration that is hostile requires contraception and sterilization. However, as Government involves itself in our internal affairs, there is little doubt in anyone’s mind that the Government would seek to compel religious institutions to provide abortion services in the future.
Some may think my tone a bit strident and even un-nuanced. Maybe the time has come for more direct conversation on these matters, if we hope to preserve what is left of our God-given and Constitutionally-protected rights.
Say what you want about his style, but no one can say Bishop DiMarzio doesn’t care about his country, or about the souls he is charged with.