Video screenshot [Bishop Robert Barron/ YouTube]
CV NEWS FEED // Bishop Robert Barron this week celebrated President Donald Trump’s executive order calling for an end to the use of puberty blockers and mutilative surgeries on minors.
“Helping young people accept their bodies and their vocation as women and men is the true path of freedom and happiness,” he wrote in a statement for the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB).
Bishop Barron, the chairman of the USCCB’s Committee on Laity, Marriage, Family Life, and Youth, said he welcomes the President’s executive order “prohibiting the promotion and federal funding of procedures that, based on a false understanding of human nature, attempt to change a child’s sex.”
“So many young people who have been victims of this ideological crusade have profound regrets over its life altering consequences, such as infertility and lifelong dependence on costly hormone therapies that have significant side effects,” the Bishop said.
Bishop Barron stated that instead of undergoing experimental surgeries, children and young adults should have access to “authentic and bodily-unitive care.” He lauded the executive order’s goal to develop therapies for youth struggling with gender dysphoria.
“These individuals are loved by God and possess the same inherent dignity that all persons do,” Bishop Barron wrote. “They deserve care that heals rather than harms.”
The Bishop noted that in Dignitas Infinita, Pope Francis writes that each person is called to accept their bodies as male or female, made in God’s image and likeness.
“Sexual difference is profoundly beautiful,” wrote Bishop Barron, “and the basis for the union of spouses whose love can bear fruit in the inestimable gift of a human life.”