During an InHuman demonstration outside a late-term abortionist’s office today a woman who survived an abortion and proved she was quite viable outside the womb was told to “shut up” by some guy walking by. Students for Life shared via Twitter:
MAN shouts at abortion survivor @melissaohden to “Shut up!” We will NOT shut up! You, sir, are #inhuman twitter.com/Students4LifeH…
— Students for Life(@Students4LifeHQ) May 1, 2013
Some people just cannot stand to have their base assumptions challenged by living, breathing evidence to the contrary.
Bravo to the Students for Life, Lila Rose and LiveAction, and all those involved in exposing the inhumanity of the abortion industry.
Also, according to Father Greg Shaffer, the priest at George Washington University whose ardent Catholicism riled some gay activists recently, the late-term abortionist protested today is a block away from the GWU Newman Center. He and his students have prayed the rosary there weekly during the school year.
And why are they there? Because this is a reality (screen capture taken from LiveAction.org/inhuman):