Are you a slave to your iPhone? Do your evenings revolve around the TV? Are you perpetually glued to a screen?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, help is here. If you answered no to any of them, you should stop lying.
Within a broader discussion of the perils (and merits) of modern conveniences and entertainment outlets, Fr. C. John McCloskey has a list of seven suggestions for fighting addiction to technology:
1. Time. On average, how much time you spend online and watching television? (I shudder at the thought that you might play video games.)
2. How much time daily do you spend with your family? Is it more or less than the time you spend online?
3. Do you spend more online or on entertainment on a given day than you do on Mass or spiritual reading, such as reading the life of Christ so you can imitate him better in your friendships, family, and work life?
See the rest of Fr. McCloskey’s suggestions here.