This is the moment pro-life advocates have been waiting for for decades. With abortion no longer the law of the land, it is up to the states – nay, it is up to us – to finish the job. Together we can change and save lives in our own communities. Not sure where to start? Watch these four videos from EDIFY, equipping you with the knowledge and TRUTH about what’s at stake. What are you waiting for?
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NEW – The Science Abortionists Don’t Want You To Know
With Dr. Mary Keen-Kirchoff
When Roe v. Wade was decided in 1973, premature infants, like those born at 28 weeks gestation, were considered “pre-viable” – having a survival rate of only 5%. Since then, advances in both technology and medicine have increased dramatically. Clearly Roe v. Wade’s “viability standard” was wildly out of date. Dr. Mary Keen-Kirchoff explains the science and what role we, as citizens, have to right these wrongs.
The Supreme Court & Abortion
With Carter Snead
Learn more about the history of Dobbs v. Jackson and Roe v. Wade. How did we get here? What does the future look like? Watch ethicist and legal expert Carter Snead offer his insights.
Lessons from Serving Vulnerable Women
With Sister Virginia Joy, S.V.
After the Dobbs decision, many pregnant women might be seeking support to choose life. Other women who have suffered after abortion may be prompted to seek healing. Sister Virginia Joy explains how we can help these women choose life or receive healing as well as flourish as a beloved daughter of a loving God.
Why Abortion Gets So Much Attention
With Bishop Joseph Strickland
Every man and woman is created in the Image of God. Because of that, we each have an inherent dignity – at every age and stage of our lives. Bishop Strickland explains simply and clearly why the sanctity of life IS the preeminent issue of our time.
Want MORE?
Listen to these episodes of The EDIFY Podcast below where we go deeper into this preeminent social justice issue!
Carter Snead on The Future of Abortion Law in America
Sr. Virginia Joy on Hope and Healing: Serving Women Impacted by Abortion
Mary FioRito on Pro-Life Hopes in 2022
Ryan Anderson on How to Speak on the Toughest Issues
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