KAVANAUGH HEARING TODAY The Senate Judiciary Committee holds a highly-anticipated hearing for Brett Kavanaugh, and Christine Ford, who has accused him of sexual assault. The hearing starts at 10 am ET. Kavanaugh and Ford to get unlimited time for opening remarks. Ford will go first, followed by Kavanaugh. Both will be sworn in. READ |
ANOTHER ACCUSER Julie Swetnick claims she met Brett Kavanaugh at house parties during the years 1981-1983. At these parties, she claims that young women were gang raped by male students from Georgetown Prep. Reporter John McCormack noted that Swetnick was in college when she claimed to have attended these parties where these alleged crimes were committed. READ |
GEORGETOWN PREP RESPONDS Brett Kavanaugh’s high school, Georgetown Preparatory School, has been consistently portrayed in a negative light in media stories. “We want to defend Georgetown Prep against an attack on our culture that has been ongoing for over a week now, without the school being asked to comment in any way, shape, or form by the media,” Father Van Dyke, SJ, told National Review’s Alexandra DeSanctis. READ |
SUPREME COURT JUMPS TO #1 The latest Pew Research Center survey shows that the Supreme Court has pushed past the economy and health care as the most important issue for voters. “Large majorities of voters in both parties view Supreme Court appointments as a ‘very important’ voting issue,” said Pew. READ |
MEDIA REACH “GUILTY” VERDICT Joy Behar on The View said of Brett Kavanaugh: “They’re protecting a man who is probably guilty.” ABC News Chief Political Analyst Matthew Dowd said: “Enough with the ‘he said, she said’ storyline. If this is he said, she said, then let’s believe the she in these scenarios.” READ |
FED RAISES RATE President Trump said he’s “not happy” with the Federal Reserve raising the interest rate, but he chalked it up to a growing economy. “[Obama] was playing with zero-interest money. He was playing with funny money. That’s easy,” Trump said. “I’m playing with fairly expensive money.” READ |
MARRIAGE AND MILLENNIALS A new study shows that fewer millennials are getting divorced. But there’s a catch. ““The good news is: the divorce rate is falling, particularly among millennials. The bad news is less people are getting married, especially poorer people. Many people are just choosing to cohabit,” says Dr. John Grabowski. READ |
SETTLEMENT APPROVED Archbishop Bernard Hebda thanked abuse victims for their persistence and courage as a judge approved a $210 million bankruptcy settlement between the Archdiocese of Saint Paul-Minneapolis and about 450 victims of clergy sex abuse. READ |
SAINT QUOTE “If the angels could envy, they would envy us for Holy Communion.” -Pope St. Pius X |
SAINT OF THE DAY The experience and needs of the poor turned Saint Vincent de Paul’s heart and energy to a life of care and compassion. A grumpy man by nature—and by his own admission–Saint Vincent became a gentle and loving servant of the oppressed. The Saint Vincent de Paul Society carries on his work in many parishes today. READ |
DAILY READINGS “In every age, O Lord, you have been our refuge.” (Ps 90:3) READ |
BEAUTY Mont Saint Michel in Normandy, France. |