RUSSIA REPORT The New York Times is reporting that President Trump had ordered the firing of special counsel Robert Mueller this past June, but then backed off.
WHITE HOUSE IMMIGRATION PLAN The Trump administration releases an immigration framework which opens up the possibility for citizenship to 1.8 million people brought the U.S. as minors, as a part of a package that would include $25 billion for a border wall and stronger security. In addition, the framework would end chain migration for extended family members. According to Homeland Security, the proposed cut would eliminate nearly 25% of the roughly 1 million immigrants allowed to enter the U.S. each year.
CATHOLIC VOTE RADIO HOUR This week, we talk about National School Choice Week, how Catholics can make a difference in the media, and how congressional candidate Conor Lamb is trying to fool Catholic voters.
DISSENT Fr. James Martin is not a puzzle, he’s a dissenter, writes Peter Wolfgang. “As much as I would like to follow Prof. George in always giving the other person the benefit of the doubt, there comes a time when you have to call a spade a spade.”
SENATE 2018 Pro-abortion Sen. Jon Tester, D-MT, has seen his approval rating drop 13 percentage points in the last three months. And it might get worse for him now. Tester was the only Democrat in a vulnerable Senate race who refused to vote to reopen the government.
CULTURE OF DEATH Here’s why assisted suicide is so dangerous. A 29-year-old Dutch woman will be put to death — solely because of mental illness.
EXORCISM An Irish exorcist is being overwhelmed by the requests for exorcisms, and he’s asking the country’s bishops for help.
PRO-LIFE WITNESS The 14th annual Walk for Life West Coast will take place tomorrow in San Francisco. And it gets bigger every year.
SAINT OF THE DAY Saints Timothy and Titus –
DAILY MASS READINGS “Proclaim God’s marvelous deeds to all the nations.” (Ps 96:3) –
WOW Rachael Denhollander was the first victim to publicly accuse USA Gymnatics team doctor Larry Nassar of sexual abuse. At his sentencing, she quoted to him Jesus’ words about damnation for those who harm children. But she also told him about the salvation and mercy that Jesus offers — even to him.