- Do you believe hate speech should be prosecuted?
- Should churches who teach that gay marriage is wrong lose their tax exempt status?
- Should clergy who condemn same sex marriage be prosecuted for hate crimes/hate speech?
- What changed your view on gay marriage, besides shifting public opinion?
- Do you respect the religious freedom of immigrants who oppose gay marriage?
- Should marriage be limited to two people? Is it possible that you will evolve on this issue?
- Do you support withholding federal aid from states that pass “bathroom laws?”
- As president, will you cease foreign aid to all countries that execute transgender people? Why not?
- Do you believe abortion training should be a requirement for American medical schools?
- What is your plan as president to “#bring back our girls” from Boko Haram?
- Do you support a woman’s right to carry a concealed firearm?
- Do you support a woman’s right to home school her children?
- Do you support “death with dignity” legislation?
- Will you go on the record now and state unequivocally that you oppose infanticide?
- What if it is done for the mental or emotional health of the mother?